
Outline to stacey the three types of memory

Problem: Stacey is 15 years old and she is in grade 9 at her high school. She has been struggling with school, failing most of her subjects and she feels like she does not fit in with her peers. She enjoys working with her hands and finds the traditional subjects frustrating. Her Mathematics teacher refers her to the guidance counsellor.

You are the guidance counsellor in that school. Answer the three questions below with the knowledge that you have of Stacey and the individual areas mentioned below:

1. Outline to Stacey the three types of memory and provide her with three study techniques to improve her grades based on your knowledge of both short term and long-term memory.

2. Use one motivational theory to encourage her to be successful. Outline the theory in detail and provide three examples of how Stacey can utilise the theory to be successful.

3. Provide details on the theory of Multiple Intelligences with Stacey including an outline of five of the types of intelligences along with a career example of each theory to help Stacey realize that she can be successful outside of the typical career fields.

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Reference No:- TGS03327771

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