
Outline the sectionsheadingsand the content that you will


This assignment is designed to encourage the development of professional skills through the completion of weekly activities relevant to the role of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional. Please refer to the course profile to see how this assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes.

These objectives will be measured by the ‘closeness of fit' to meeting the requirements and the assessment criteria below.

Participation Activity


By now you should have started organising your ideas and arguments for the Report. To ensure that you submit the best Report possible it is important that you seek constructive feedback from your local lecturer. This PA requires you tosubmit an early draft of your Report. This will be marked and returned to you in time for you to use the feedback to improve your Report.The draft should include:

• Title page

• One or two sentences describing your organisation

• Three or four sentences stating the aim/purpose of your report.

• Outline the sections/headingsand the content that you will include in the body of the report.For each section provide two or three sentences about what will be included in that section.

• Three or foursentences about your findings/conclusions.

• A brief summary of your recommendations.

This outline MUST RELATE to the case study described in Assessment- Report. That is, your submission needs to be specific to the case study DO NOT just provide generic details about what to include in a report.

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Other Subject: Outline the sectionsheadingsand the content that you will
Reference No:- TGS01123848

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