Outline the measurable initiatives you want to accomplish

Marketing Assignment

Remember that "marketing" and "advertising" are not the same. Marketing is the overall umbrella term under which advertising is one part, just as public relations and social media are parts of marketing. The difference is that "advertising" is paid and usually is in the form of TV and radio commercials, Internet ads or Google AdWords, commercial videos before you watch a YouTube video or news video, etc.

Before writing this paper, think about your target customers. Who are they specifically, how can you best reach them, what platforms do they use, etc.?

This paper must include the following:

You will need one clearly stated strategic marketing message you want consistently stated across all platforms.

Demonstrate an appropriate mix of marketing: advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing, and personal selling. You should include the Internet and social media, too, as appropriate to your promotional effort. With social media, which platforms will you select and why? How will you post relevant and interesting content? Videos? Sponsored content? Explain exactly what you will do, when-during the week/year-you will do it, and why.

What Types of Marketing For Your Marketing Mix?

• Traditional: Newspapers, TV, Cable, Radio, Magazines

• Streaming: Hulu, specific channel subscriptions.

• Out-of-Home: Buses, billboards, wallboards, wraps, car wraps, banners, signs, posters, cinema, aerial, point-of-sale, street corner spinners, ferries, water taxi, tray liners at restaurants/fast food, rack cards, create your own publication.

• Emerging Media: Videos, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Geo-Fencing, iBeacons, Mobile Targeting, Podcasts, Webinars, Live, RFID.

• Online: Video Pre-rolls, popups, AdWords, Blogs, Retargeting

• Direct: (In-home and online): Email, snail mail, telemarketing, "Biking Billboards"

• Social media: Ads, boost posts, blogs


• Mobile (Ads, text, geo-fencing, RFID)

• Experiential marketing (Demonstrations, Conference Presentations, Speaking Events, Awards)

• Word of Mouth (Leverage your best customers)

• Promotions: Giveaways, discount coupons or codes, in-store BOGO,

• Public Affairs (Op-Eds, Advocacy, Experts at Conferences), White Papers on Issues.

• Media Relations (Expert Interviews, profile stories, Research studies)

• Sponsorships, Events

Describe your primary objective for your promotional approach. Outline the measurable initiatives you want to accomplish. What is the advertising goal to which you will measure success for your advertising expenditures?

Describe each of your promotional activities, what you will do, why, and when. Create a year-long chart so I can clearly see the initiative, when, and why. You can use the following for a template. Marketing Chart Template.docx

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

Attachment:- Marketing-Chart-Template.rar

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Marketing Management: Outline the measurable initiatives you want to accomplish
Reference No:- TGS03004692

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