
Outline tentative timelines for project and ask for feedback


You have been promoted to the regional supervisor of purchasing and procurement at a large department store chain called AmaNots. You have discovered that in the past there has been no formalized accessibility audit when it comes to company procurement. As a result, some of the software and technology that has been purchased for tellers and stock takers to use in the store is not AODA compliant. You have decided to make the accessibility audit procedure more transparent and a foundational part of procurement, but this will require a working group and support from those in the team.

Publish a letter inviting members of the administrative team to join this accessibility working group. Ask them to be specific in terms of why they want to be part of the group and what skills or background they will bring to this task. Outline tentative timelines for the project and ask for initial feedback from stakeholders.

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Other Subject: Outline tentative timelines for project and ask for feedback
Reference No:- TGS03235190

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