
Outline on the vietnam war

I need help in my outline on the Vietnam War. The areas I should develop and include are:

- brief summary of events leading to the battle, its outcome and thesis statement that ties mission command to that outcome

- body will analyze the commander's performance in six steps

- conclusion will analyze the mission command's impact on the battle's outcome and significance of analysis

I have described a more detailed rubric for guidance.

Paper Format: Your introduction should be one-half of the first page in length.  It should include a brief summary of events leading to the battle, its outcome, and a thesis statement that ties mission command to that outcome. The Body will analyze the commander’s performance in the six steps.  The Conclusion will analyze the mission command’s impact on the battle’s outcome, and the significance of your analysis.

Sample Outline:

The outline below is an example of the format to be used.  OWL Purdue also has some examples of outlines to assist students with outlining.

I. Introduction

a. Thesis:  Write your thesis in sentence form.

II. Main Body Paragraph

a. Write the topic sentence for the paragraph.

b. This sentence should either tie in directly to one of the points in your thesis statement or coordinate the paragraph with the previous paragraph(s) which speaks to an element of the thesis.

c. Use supporting evidence and analysis of supporting evidence.

III. Main Body Paragraph

IV. Main Body Paragraph

V. Conclusion:

a. Restate your thesis.  This is your last chance to restate your position or convince the reader.

Example: Officer Retention

I. Introduction

a. THESIS:  Officers are departing the Army due to little flexibility in assignments and dwindling resources to train Soldiers.

II. Main Body Paragraph

a. Officers are departing the Army based on having little say in future assignments.

i. Supporting Point 1
ii. Supporting Point 2

III. Main Body Paragraph

a. Another reason officers depart the Army is a lack of resources. Prior to the fiscal crises facing the U.S. government, commanders had the ability to execute valuable training.

i. Supporting Point 1
ii. Supporting Point 2

IV. Conclusion:

a. THESIS RESTATED:  Due to inflexible assignments and limited resources, officers are departing in droves.

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