Outline key components of a decision support system

Assignment Task 1:

Q1. With the aid of a suitable supporting diagram, outline the purpose and key components of a Decision Support System (DSS).

Q2. With reference to the diagram you provided in your answer to (a), compare the support provided within Individual DSS to that provided in Group DSS.

Q3. Explain the evolutionary approach to MIS development, and when it would be most suitable for the development of an Individual DSS.

Assignment Task 2:

With respect to EACH of the following contemporary MIS technologies, discuss TWO benefits of the technology and THREE issues that an organisation would need to consider when making a decision on whether or not to adopt that technology:

  • Enterprise data warehouse;
  • Open source information reporting tool;
  • Data mining algorithms to develop predictive models.

Make sure you define EACH MIS technology within your answer.

Assignment Task 3:

For EACH of the following information systems, describe its key characteristics and discuss the extent to which it can support the management of the Human Resources (HR) function within an organisation.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system;
  • Group Decision Support System (GDSS);
  • Expert system.

Assignment Task 4:

Discuss the impact of Social Media on the future development of corporate Management Information Systems (MIS).

Assignment Task 5:

"Mr. Kenneth is an owner of a restaurant would like to update his current running restaurant to a faster and reliable system, existing system used in the restaurant are the traditional post systems. He is looking into faster delivery of food and a system that are going to help him in terms of inventory. Any additional features that will help in more profit are added advantages"

1. Suggest a TYPE of information systems that suits Mr Kenneth's situations.

2. Briefly explain why you choose this TYPE of information system.

3. Based on the TYPE of information you choose, search online for one REAL system/software that are available in the market. (Please write the references)

4. Describe the functions and advantages of the chosen REAL system/ software.

5. What are your predictions on Mr Kenneth business after he implemented your chosen REAL system/software?

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Other Management: Outline key components of a decision support system
Reference No:- TGS03232737

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