
Outline how an efqm model would assist anglogold ashanti

CASE STUDY: Mine Workers Affected By Silicosis. In 2011, the Constitutional Court made a landmark ruling in Mankayi versus Anglogold Ashanti and determined that former mineworkers who suffer compensable diseases in terms of the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (ODIMWA) No. 78 of 1973 have the right to institute damages claims against their former employers. Mr. Thembekile Mankayi alleged that AngloGold negligently exposed him to harmful dust while he was an underground worker from 1979-1995, which led him to develop Tuberculosis (TB) and chronic obstructed airways. These diseases left him unable to work, but he received only R16,320 in damages under ODIMWA, less than a year's salary.

As the environmental specialist at AngloGold Ashanti, explain to the management the six assessment stages involved in obtaining a certificate recognising it's compliance with ISO 14001 (2015).

Different Organisation apply the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model. Outline how an EFQM model would assist AngloGold Ashanti.

According to the Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) No. 29 of 1996, what was Mr. Thembekile Mankayi (employee) responsibility in preventing an occupational disease? Discuss.

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