
Outline employee training and development

Assignment task:

Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in S301: Human Resources in the Workforce; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories, write a 1000-1250 word paper on the challenges of talent management and how a Sergeants Major (SGM) can engage organizational members for competitive success in future assignments while ensuring their organizational members remain adaptable. Remember that your analysis of the content material and personal experience will help you with this paper.

The paper must use the example format shown below:

Employee Training and Development Outline Example

1. Introduction (not a level-one heading). The introduction should introduce the organization and provide a brief history of the organization based on research.

2. Problem (level-one heading). The problem paragraph must clearly describe the problem that the researcher found within the organization and potentially discuss pressure points that triggers the requirement for a needs assessment. The learner could address issues such as: Who or what caused the problem; what is the root cause of the problem; Or who in the organization is impacted because of the problem, for example. Note: the learner must ensure the problem identified can be fixed or mitigated utilizing employee training and development concepts discussed in the textbook or some other scholarly sources.

3. Need assessment (level-one heading). This paragraph must describe and discuss the research and analysis the learner conducted to support the organization's problem. Potential level two headings could include organizational analysis, person analysis, task analysis, and key findings.

4. Solution (level-one heading). This paragraph must describe and discuss a potential solution to the organization's problem. In this section of the paper, the learner could address design, development, implementation, transfer of training, and evaluation strategies for the problem. Note: the solution must be a statement of what the organization (itself) did to fit the problem-it must be a feasible solution, based on science and evidence, that will fix or mitigate the problem.

5. Conclusion (level-one heading). Summary of the main points and recap/restate thesis statement per SMC standards.

6. References. This assignment requires a minimum of five scholarly sources with URLs.

Also, use in-text citations in the paper and avoid using passive voice.

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HR Management: Outline employee training and development
Reference No:- TGS03383055

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