
Outline discipline advertised positions in your service

1. Examine one discipline active in the United States health care delivery system. (Examples: Nurses, Physician's Assistants, Dentists, Nurse Aides).

a. Research local and national Labor statistics related to the discipline selected.
b. Describe discipline responsibilities, (Students can work in groups.)
c. List salary possibilities (available through labor statistics research sites),
d. Outline discipline advertised positions in your service area,
e. List options for practice settings and reimbursement for services. This information will be presented as a formal research paper OR as a power point presentation to the class. Paper should be at least 3-5 pages with references, Power Point presentations should be at least 8-10 slides.

2. Read one professional journal article related to a topic of interest to you!

a. Outline the content of the article including; name of the journal, date of publication, title of article, content/ scope of the article, study methods, and the conclusion of the article.

b. Report the differences in professional journal presentations vs. mass media publications.

3. Participate in a Community Based Health Care Team Mock Disaster Preparation.

a. Each student will select a role to portray in the team simulation in class.

b. Each student will be responsible to investigate how a specific discipline might volunteer their expertise to assist in planning for the needs of a community when disaster strikes and list their role in the event of a real disaster.

c. This group will meet three times during the term. The first meeting will be used to assess the needs of the community. The second meeting will identify community resources and gaps in services and create a community disaster response plan. The third meeting will examine the group strategy as though a disaster has occurred and will attempt to construct a final plan to remedy the unmet needs for future planning.

4. Explore the web sites of any candidate for President of the United States for information related to Public Health or Health Care Delivery policy information.

a. Outline the content.
b. Write a response to the policy statements as though you were asking questions or want the candidate to know what you are and are not in agreement with related to those statements.

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Dissertation: Outline discipline advertised positions in your service
Reference No:- TGS01689876

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