Outcome-based tactics


In the phase of the interrogation process, there are several outcome-based tactics that may be used to obtain a confession. These outcome-based tactics are methods exercised by investigators to persuade the suspect to cooperate and confess. These methods or tactics may include the following aspects:

  • Appealing to the suspect's self-interest
  • Confronting the suspect with evidence of guilt
  • Undermining the suspect's confidence in his or her denials
  • Identifying contradictions in the suspect's alibi or story
  • Asking specific behavioral analysis interview questions
  • Appealing to the importance of cooperation
  • Offering moral justifications and face-saving excuses
  • Confronting the suspect with false evidence of guilt
  • Praising or flattering the suspect
  • Appealing to the detective's expertise and authority

On the basis of what you have learned in the course write in a minimum of 250 words and answer the following:

  • Discuss three of the most effective interrogation techniques. Justify your position by creating scenarios in which you may use each technique. Include the legal implications that will need to be considered when executing each technique.

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Business Law and Ethics: Outcome-based tactics
Reference No:- TGS01877660

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