
Our text suggests that objective reality is often

Question: Our text suggests that objective reality is often significantly different from perceived reality and is an important variable to consider when making decisions within an organization. In addition, attribution theory describes how people create the explanations for their own and others' actions, as well as the outcomes of the applied behaviors. Based on these two premises, consider the following and then, formulate an analysis about how attribution theory and bias (according to chapter 8 in our text) can explain human behaviors within organizations and industry.

Use, or closely follow, this template for your paper.

Consider the following information associated with attribution theory to support to your writing about decision-making:

- perceptions

- bounded reality

- cognitive biases

- conjunction fallacy

- consistency

- consensus

- distinctiveness

- fundamental attribution error

- creative decision making

- Writing Content

Dissertation Resources: General Topic: Sustainability and Community participation

[Two paragraphs introducing the topic of decision-making. Include a discussion about the sub-topics you will discuss in the paper.]
Note: Throughout the paper use no more than one one-sentence quote per section. Reminder: with a quote the citation must include the exact page of the information quoted.

Decision-Making: [Based on our content this week, discuss the importance of rationale decision-making in an organization, using necessary citations. Include how bounded reality, cognitive biases, and conjunction fallacy might affect decision-making.]

Bounded Reality

[Summarize potential effects]

Cognitive Biases

[Summarize potential effects]

Conjunction Fallacy

[Summarize potential effects]

Attribution Theory: [Explain attribution theory using necessary citations. Use no more thanone one-sentence quote. Reminder that with a quote the citation must include the exact page of the information quoted.]

Effects of Perception

[Discuss how perception affects how we attribute behaviors. Be sure to include citations to support your thoughts. Consider including information about primacy and recency effects, selective perceptions, contrast effect, and stereotyping.]


[Discuss how these "sources" affect how we attribute behaviors. Be sure to include citations to support your thoughts.]

Fundamental Attribution Error

[Discuss how this factor affects how we attribute behaviors. Be sure to include citations to support your thoughts.]

Personal Experience: Inaccurate Judgement

[Explain your personal experience aligned with the instructions in the assignment.]


[Explain how consistency is applied to your example. Could this affect the perceptions of self and others?]


[Explain how consensus is applied to your example. Could this affect the perceptions of self and others?]


[Explain how distinctiveness is applied to your example. Could this affect the perceptions of self and others?]

Creative Decision Making: [Explain how creative decision-making can improve our ability to make better decisions, considering the numerous obstacles to do so. Include an analysis about how good decision making can potentially affectproductivity and job satisfaction.]

Conclusion: [Summarize your paper including the implications of the topic.]

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Dissertation: Our text suggests that objective reality is often
Reference No:- TGS02622901

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