
Other scientists have achieved household name status darwin


Please read Kuhn Ch. 13 and the Postscript. Find 5 major positions articulated in the Postscript and compare these with the corresponding statements Kuhn made in the body of the book, Chapters 1 to 13. Is he clarifying these points? Is he expanding on them? Is he weakening his claims? Is he backtracking? Is he obfuscating? Does his major thesis hold up given what he says in his postscript? Which issues that are unclear in the text end up being explained fully and convincingly in the Postscript. Which of Kuhn's Postscript positions make his thesis less convincing? What is your overall assessment of Kuhn's thesis following your reading of his Postscript?

Additional question:

Granted Einstein was a genius and produced some highly successful theories, but it would be hard to argue that he was incomparably greater than all other 20th century scientists. Other scientists have achieved household name status (Darwin, Freud) but none of them approach his reputation for genius. What was there about our society or about Einstein that elevated him to such a prominent cultural position?

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Other Subject: Other scientists have achieved household name status darwin
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