
Other characters match themselves for example findsname

Write a find() function that finds the first match for a simple regular expression in a string. Use ? to mean ‘‘any character,'' * to mean any number of characters not matching the next part of the regular expression, and [abc] to mean any character from the set specified between the square braces (here a, b, and c). Other characters match themselves. For example, find(s,"name:") returns a pointer to the first occurrence of name: in s; find(s,"[nN]ame:") returns a pointer to the first occurrence of name: or Name: in s; and find(s,"[nN]ame(*)") returns a pointer to the first occurence of Nameor namefollowed by a (possibly empty) parenthesized sequences of characters in s.

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Basic Computer Science: Other characters match themselves for example findsname
Reference No:- TGS01628108

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