
Osha to address persistent violators of job safety rules

Backgorund material - "OSHA to Address Persistent Violators of Job Safety Rules" appeared in the New York Times. Other referenses come from the PBS' Front Line web site include: "The McWane Way"; "The Victims"; "OSHA Rejects"; and "McWane's Response".

This is a two part report. My requirement is to turn in 8-10 pages - so I am requesting from you 2-3 pages on each part.

Part 1: Please review some of the articles listed above. After you have read the various items please answer the following:

Q1) Was OSHA justified in their case against McWane?

Q2) Was McWane's response appropriate?

Q3) What could have been done differently given your knowledge of OSHA and other laws that influence HRM practices?

Part 2:

Q1) Are our workplace safety laws tough enough?

Q2) Should companies, and their executives, be held more accountable for protecting their workers' safety?

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Other Management: Osha to address persistent violators of job safety rules
Reference No:- TGS01870306

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