Osborne and shewry categorization of wheat

Question 1: How Osborne and Shewry categorization of wheat proteins distinct?

Question 2: Why gluten polypeptides are known as prolamins?

Question 3: What structural and molecular differences are there in gliadin and glutenin polypeptides?

Question 4: Wheat gluten proteins encompass very low charge density. How this property of gluten proteins is significant to end-use quality of bakery products?

Question 5: What is the significance of total number and relative position of cysteine residues on the gluten polypeptides?

Question 6: What are the effects will variations in flour protein content encompass on baked product quality?

Question 7: How protein composition led to the varietal variation in end-use quality of wheat?

Question 8: High molecular weight glutenin polypeptides are quantitatively small component of gluten proteins; however they are functionally significant polypeptides of gluten. Validate this statement.

Question 9: How glutenin subunits 5+10 act superior to subunit pair 2+12 in the bread making?

Question 10: Why strong flour is suggested for bread making and weak flour is suggested for the biscuit making?

Question 11: Describe the manufacturing methods, uses and functionality of the wheat gluten.

Question 12: List all the main enzymes of wheat and describe their technological importance.

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Other Subject: Osborne and shewry categorization of wheat
Reference No:- TGS08144

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