
Os version whatever information on the os version you can

Write a shell script (bash or sh) that prints out the following lines/information:

  1. Name: "Your name"
  2. Hostname: "The computer's hostname"
  3. Host IP: "The computer's IP number"
  4. Default Gateway: "The computer's default gateway"
  5. OS Version: "Whatever information on the OS version you can get programmatically"
  6. Memory: "The amount of physical memory (not disk) the system has"
  7. CPU Speed: "The CPU speed (in Hz not MIPS) the system thinks it has"
  8. Disk space: "The amount of aggregate physical disk the system has"
  9. A blank line (or two)
  10. The shell script itself

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Basic Computer Science: Os version whatever information on the os version you can
Reference No:- TGS02248740

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