
Orthographic and perspective projections

Q1. Describe at least four applications of the computer graphics.

Q2. When are the Orthographic and Perspective projections at their most excellent?

Q3. Define the term Lambertian reflectors. What do you mean by diffuse-reflection coefficient? Illustrate its value?

Q4. Distinguish between the Object Space and Image Space Methods for the visible surface detection. Illustrate which is more common and why?

Q5. Illustrate any four properties of the B-spline curves.

Q6. Prove that the two successive 2D-rotations are additive, that is, R (θ1) R (θ2) = R (θ1+ θ2).

Q7.  What type of clipping windows can’t be handled through Cyrus-Beck clipping algorithm? How these cases are handled?

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Computer Engineering: Orthographic and perspective projections
Reference No:- TGS010493

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