Question 1: Show with a circuit diagram how DC potentials are supplied to the different electrodes of picture tube.
Question 2: What are the main functions of brightness and contrast controls?
Question 3: What do you mean by image multiplication and signal multiplication in an Image Orthicon camera tube?
Question 4: In an Image Orthicon, find out the function of wire mesh screen and why is it positioned very close to target plate?
Question 5: Describe with the help of sketches, how video signal is developed in the Vidicon camera tube.
Question 6: How is Vidicon distinct from the Image Orthicon and what its special applications are?
Question 7: Illustrate the existing TV standards?
Question 8: What is the requirement of the trap circuits?
Question 9: How does low frequency compensation occur in the TV receiver?
Question 10: Describe the functional importance if the blocks of a TV receiver.