
orientation and trainingorientation or induction

Orientation and Training

Orientation or induction is the task of introducing the new worker to the organisation and it's, procedures, policies and rules. A typical formal orientation programme can last a day or less in most of the organisations.

Induction serves several purposes like: Removes fears build a good impression and behave as a valuable source of information. Behave as valuable source of information.

Training is necessary for job success. It may lead to higher manufacture, greater job satisfaction fewer mistakes, and lower turnover. These reimbursements accrue to the trainee and the organisation both, if managers understand the principles behind the training procedure. To this end, training efforts has to invariably follow sure learning-oriented guidelines.

Usually Training methods are classified by the location of instruction. Some widely used training methods are: Coaching, Job Instruction Training (JIT), Mentoring etc.

Training programmes delivered using internet have now been thought of next cost effective route. It is not only cost effective but also caters to the actual time information need of worker.

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