
Organizing and managing a formal meeting

Assignment Problem 1:

For this assessment, you will be observed by your trainer in preparing for, conducting and following up on two (2) meetings, with at least two (2) participants.


In your preparation, you are to ensure that:

a) Purpose of meeting is clarified and the agenda developed in line with stated purpose

b) The style and structure of the meeting is appropriate to the meeting's purpose

c) Meeting participants are identified and notified in accordance with organizational procedures

d) Meeting arrangements are confirmed in accordance with requirements of meeting

e) Meeting papers are dispatched to participants within designated timelines


Whilst conducting your meetings, you are to ensure that:

a) Meetings are chaired in accordance with organizational requirements, agreed conventions for the type of meeting and legal and ethical requirements

b) Meetings are conducted to ensure they are focused and time efficient

c) Meeting facilitation enables participation, discussion, problem solving and resolution of issues

d) Minute taker is briefed on recording meeting notes in accordance with organizational requirements and conventions for the type of meeting


a) After each meeting, you are to follow up, ensuring that:

b) Transcribed meeting notes are checked to ensure they reflect a true and accurate record of the meeting and are formatted in accordance with organizational procedures and meeting conventions

c) Minutes and other follow-up documentation are distributed within designated timelines and stored in accordance with organizational requirements

d) Outcomes of meetings are reported as required, within designated timelines


Whilst conducting your meetings, you are to ensure that:

a) Meetings are chaired in accordance with organizational requirements, agreed conventions for the type of meeting and legal and ethical requirements

b) Meetings are conducted to ensure they are focused and time efficient

c) Meeting facilitation enables participation, discussion, problem solving and resolution of issues

d) Minute taker is briefed on recording meeting notes in accordance with organizational requirements and conventions for the type of meeting

Assignment Problem 2: Answer all questions with the space provided herein.

Question 1: What is the difference between a General meeting and an Annual General meeting?

Question 2: In your own words, explain the following terms:

a. Chairperson

b. Secretary

c. Treasurer

d. Abstention

e. Adjournment

f. Agenda

g. Motion

h. Casting vote

i. Proxy

j. Tabled

Question 3: What documentation is required when organizing and managing a formal meeting? Be sure to include a description of who is responsible for the documentation, and indicate any timelines required for this documentation.

Question 4: Explain the role of the minute taker, and the interaction undertaken before, during and after a meeting.

Question 5: Describe in detail 6 points you should consider when communicating with culturally diverse people.

Question 6: Describe the process of voting on a motion in a meeting.

Question 7: Describe how you would sequence a meeting (when writing an agenda). Explain the reasons for your comments.

Question 8: Describe the layout you would use for the following meeting types

a. Formal presentations to large groups

b. Small meetings for debate and discussions

c. Relaxed team meetings for planning and creative sessions

Question 9: In your own words, describe how you would run a mediation meeting.

Question 10: Describe in detail the following legislation / codes of practice and how it affects business operations

a. Anti-discrimination legislation

b. Ethical principles

c. Codes of Practice

d. Privacy laws

e. Copyright

f. Occupational Health & Safety (either OHS or WHS)

Question 11: In reference to the Good Governance Guide by the Governance Institute of Australia, explain the following:

a. Board confidentiality

b. The purpose of establishing Good Governance policy

c. Circulating meeting of minutes

d. Storing meeting of minutes

e. Maintaining consistency between meeting minutes and support materials

f. In compliance with Corporations Act 2000

Procedures and Specifications of the Assignment:

I) You must demonstrate the ability to identify organizational requirements and establish standards for producing documents.

For this task you are required to review the scenario provided below, and develop standards and guidelines for producing documents. You will also be required to apply the standards you develop to an existing document.

You are provided with a text file (see appendix 1), 'MACVILLE Disciplinary Dismissal Policy', for use in Step 3 of this procedure.

1. Review the scenario provided above.

2. Develop a one-page style guide outlining the standards for designing policy and procedure documents. The style guide should:

a. ensure format of documents is appropriate to purpose and intended audience for document

b. displays information in a way that enhances readability

c. outline how documents should be named and stored

d. address:

i. font iii. bullet and numbering standards

ii. spacing iv. headings

v. margins.

3. Use the text file 'MACVILLE Disciplinary Dismissal Policy' and format it in MS Word according to the style guide you have established. Submit the reformatted policy as an example to illustrate your style guide.


1. Review the scenario provided in Appendix 1 of this Assessment Task.

2. Review the policy and procedure documents provided in Appendix 2 of this assessment task.

3. Identify three forms required by the organisation.

4. Create templates for each of the forms. You must:

a) Use appropriate software to create the template.

b) Incorporate a range of formulas, functions and macros where appropriate.

c) Provide explanatory notes for each of the templates, detailing how information is to be managed or input and how the form is to be stored or submitted when completed. Explanatory notes should also indicate any sections of the form that should be checked prior to use (e.g. check that department list reflects current organizational structure). Include reference to the use of at least one macro.

d) Adhere to the MacVille guidelines for electronic documents and data entry in Appendix 3

e) Ensure the templates are appropriately named and stored.

5. Submit the templates electronically (in a template format and printed out).

6. Have someone complete the forms (following your explanatory notes), and provide written feedback on the usability of each form. Provide users with enough information such as incident details, etc to be able to complete forms. To allow you to monitor the effectiveness of the templates you have designed, leave users free to make errors in using the template, especially if the templates or explanatory notes are unclear or deficient.

7. Provide a written reflection on monitoring the use of templates, evaluation of effectiveness of templates and continuous improvement that:

a) Evaluates the quality of documents produced by users against MacVille guidelines.

b) Describes the use (or misuse) of standard templates and macros by users.

c) Describes possible amendments you could make to each form, in response to feedback provided and to ensure better quality outcomes for MacVille documentation. Review scenario and justify your possible amendments by referring to organisational plans and future requirements for the HR department with respect to output, document quality, budgetary constraints, etc.

Your assessor will be looking for:

A) A sample (blank) form submitted, with a completed copy, feedback statement and amendments statement, submitted in paper copy for each of the three forms developed.

B) An accompanying electronic form saved and submitted in a standard template format, for each of the three forms developed.

C) A secondary worksheet in the template for each form, including clear instruction for:

o how to provide information for the document

o how and where to save the completed e-form

o how and where to submit the completed printed form

o particular sections of the form that should be checked prior to use.

Candidates must demonstrate the ability to present and clearly communicate instructions about use and completion of document templates.

You are required to conduct a training session for the class, demonstrating the instructions for using and completing one of the templates you have designed.

1. Conduct training session in class, demonstrating how to use and complete your template. The training should not take more than 10 minutes.

2. A participant should be selected to complete the template as per the demonstrated instructions.

3. Selected participant to provide verbal feedback on use of template.

Task 1:

1. A one-page style guide addressing the requirements outlined in the procedure and should include the following:

  • Audience and purpose - who is it for and how is this information relevant to them?
  • Accessibility - how can this document be made available to the targeted audience and would there be any provisions for individuals with disability to obtain this information?
  • Plain English - how the provided text is written; plain language, active voice, simple sentences, clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon, abbreviations acronyms or specific terminology and how it promotes key objectives/ messages.
  • Conventions - detailing what are; abbreviations and contractions, acronyms, apostrophes, brackets, capital letters
  • Fonts - type of fonts and size used in all office documents
  • Headings - should it be bold, underline or in a font size bigger?
  • Bullet points - how is this being used?
  • Spacing - how many lines between paragraphs needed?
  • Writing checklist - do the words flow easily, is the structure clear and allows readers to find things easily? Has the document been proofread for spelling and grammar? Has the document content been approved? Is copyright clearance required? If so, has it been obtained?

2. Use the text file 'MACVILLE Disciplinary Dismissal Policy' and format it in MS Word according to the style guide you have established. Submit the reformatted policy as an example to illustrate your style guide.


Purpose: To facilitate professional development opportunities for staff and faculty consistent with the individual's workplace function.


  • Supervisors and/or individuals may identify relevant professional development opportunities.
  • A Professional Development Application forms is completed and submitted to the director for funding. The following details must be provided:

o application date

o applicant name

o department

o professional development type

o description of professional development activity

o benefit for applicant of activity

o benefit for organisation of activity

o expected outcomes from activity

o post-activity report from applicant

o once approval is granted the individual engages in program

o once the program is completed a report is drafted and submitted to the Director.

Task 2:

1. Review and identify three forms required by the organisation and provide the following:

  • A blank copy of the three forms developed and inserted in the box below
  • A set of completed copies for each of the three forms developed.
  • Statement of feedback for each form.
  • Explanatory notes for each of the 3 templates

a. MacVille Expense Claims Form

b. MacVille Expense Claims Form

c. MacVille Work Hazard Form

d. MacVille Work Hazard Form

e. MacVille Professional Development Form

f. MacVille Professional Development Form

2. Based on the forms which you have created, you would need to provide a presentation on the following:

  • clear presentation and demonstration of instructions to use and complete your template
  • observe the participant who is using and completing your template
  • time for the participant to provide verbal feedback to you on the effectiveness of using the template.

Based on your presentation that you have deliver, your assessor would rate your presentation performance by utilizing the presentation and training demonstration marking rubric seen here in this assessment.

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Other Management: Organizing and managing a formal meeting
Reference No:- TGS03027410

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