
Organizations that fail to innovate find themselves in a

Part 1: Post a Response

Organizations that fail to innovate find themselves in a situation where they have to restructure themselves to stay afloat.

Choose 1 of the companies listed below. Use the provided articles to support your understanding of the company's situation.


Circuit City

Toys R Us

Based on your chosen company, discuss how reorganization of its business structure would or would not have helped them meet new market challenges. In your response, address the following:

• Specify at least 2 reasons why you think reorganizing was or was not necessary, and provide an explanation for each reason.

• Suggest 2 strategies you think could have improved the company's efforts to meet current market challenges and remain sustainable.

Please try to look at 2 Post as below for use references

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Post 1

As a primary consumer of Blockbuster Video during my younger years, I observed that Blockbuster Video was tremendously falling behind competitors firstly in the area of product selections. When compared to other video rental sources such as Movie Gallery and Video Connection.

Secondly, there was not an overload of stores throughout the area as it seems as though they were dispersed sparingly among the states. Blockbuster was in need of revitalizing the way that they rent movies and video games to the consumers.

However, Blockbuster did indeed have fees that were outrageous to pay in regards to late movie rentals.

There would be many occasions where you would return items to the store and would be charged for that item not being returned due to misplace net by staff. If Blockbuster took a different approach such as using movie rental kiosks prior to other competitors or simply placed more kiosks outside of leading vending stores I believe that it could have assisted in bringing them back to life.

With ever changing technical innovations being created everyday, it is essential to stay abreast and informed to remain competitive and Blockbuster Video failed to do so. At this point, I believe that Blockbuster is a thing of the past as there is a variety of av

As a manager you will have to use work experiences, advice from supervisors and the organizational culture to support your decision. Organizational culture is the sum of the values and beliefs shared among employees. Unfortunately, amongst the ranks they also failed to bring thoughts together full circle to potentially save the company.

Post 2

Specify at least 2 reasons why you think reorganizing was or was not necessary, and provide an explanation for each reason.

1. I believe the reason as to why Blockbusters should have reorganized was due to the changing of technology and the internet and how movies are now accessed online and streamed today through the internet by the customers.

2. What Blockbusters should have done was to create an environment (just like a computer lab) at their store locations where the customer can come in and actually download movies from a computer and be charged per download to keep instead of having a movie in hand just to be returned for the next customer or instead of having downloadable store locations they can use the internet like Netflix for movies and called it (Blockbusters Internet Movies) using a subscription service fee; nevertheless they should have kept a few store locations open to give the first reason at least a try.

Suggest 2 strategies you think could have improved the company's efforts to meet current market challenges and remain sustainable.

1. What could have improved the company's efforts to meet challenges and remain sustainable was to use the internet or change how they once rented movies at a store location to changing their store locations to a Blockbuster computer library to download and access movies using the internet.

2. Provide a service on the internet using a subscription/rental fee to access movies.

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Operation Management: Organizations that fail to innovate find themselves in a
Reference No:- TGS02900160

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