
Organizations that collaborate to increase and share

1. An autonomous community homeless shelter worked with a city council to establish winter warming-shelters for homeless individuals. This is an example of a:

Independent public service provider relationship

Dependent public service provider relationship

A cooperative

A private partnership

2. Organizations that collaborate to increase and share resources are applying?

Closed-systems theory

Maslows hierarch of needs

Resource dependency theory

McClellands three needs theory

3. The various life-stage theories have many critics, but the theories reflect a(n) ________consistent with the values of most nonprofit organizations.

Melodramatic approach

Humane approach

Politically correct approach

Business like approach

4. Forbes and Zampelli’s research indicates that people who volunteer tend to:

Be of the same ethnic group

Be athesists

Be members of social groups

Hold high social status

5. A study conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service found that between the years 1974 and 2006 participation in volunteer activities.

Did not increase


Remained stagnant


6. Speckblacher argues that combining financial incentives with social incentives creates a:

Organizational contract

Market relationship

Stakeholder relationship

Legal relationship

7. Marie has reached a high-level of confidence through her work at a nonprofit organization. However, she is losing this sense of confidence because she fears her organization may soon close. Marie’s loss of motivation may be explained using:

Scientific management theory

Maslows hierarch of needs theory

McCellands three needs theory

Eriksons life stages theory

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Operation Management: Organizations that collaborate to increase and share
Reference No:- TGS02513963

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