
Organizations performance improvement

Problem: Write a conclusion for your DNA course project that summarizes your suggestions for the organization's performance improvement. Additionally, provide a set of action steps for the continuation of the training program you have designed.


Write your conclusion and action steps.


This project allows you to apply the concepts of design and development of training programs to a real-world case. Specifically, you will be asked to complete several deliverables to develop an employee training program for a fictional company, DNA.

Introduction to Your Role at DNA:

DNA trains existing practitioners on the best way to communicate with patients about dosage and usage of selected drugs. There are close to 75 formal presentations made each month by DNA to respective practitioner clients who pay to be educated on new FDA drugs released for the well-being of their patients. DNA was started five years ago and has succeeded in the marketplace despite their lack of a well-developed training department. In fact, at this point, they only have one Human Resources manager.

The company's staff has grown over 200% in the last year. They are now experiencing some growing pains, and leadership is beginning to see the need for an established training department. You have been brought on as a consultant to recommend how this department should be developed. The president of the company, Mr. Shigotz, has expressed the importance of the new training department showing a return on investment. It is clear that the training program will lose the support of management if ROI is not a consideration in your strategy. Your final report to leadership will outline the steps and obstacles involved in developing the training department and meeting immediate training needs.

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Other Management: Organizations performance improvement
Reference No:- TGS01617986

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