
Organizations must clearly articulate a mission statement

Organizations must clearly articulate a Mission Statement and Vision Statement in order to strategically plan. Failing to understand that initial step of the Strategic Planning process often leads an organization away from, instead of towards, effective strategic planning.

Below are four (4) Mission Statements and four (4) Vision Statements; select ONE Mission Statement and ONE Vision Statement.

Clearly explain why the select Mission Statement and Vision Statement is effective or ineffective; offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statements using proper APA formatting. Your first post is due by Thursday and two response posts by Sunday.

Mission Statements

McDonald's vision is to be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.

The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.

To enhance quality of life for all as we age. We lead positive social change and deliver value to members through information, advocacy and service.

To create a shopping experience that pleases our customers; a workplace that creates opportunities and a great working environment for our associates; and a business that achieves financial success.

Vision Statements

GM’s vision is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services. We will earn our customers’ enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork, and innovation of GM people.

Develop, deploy, and manage a diverse set of scalable and strategic knowledge management tools to serve our customers, improving the possibility of overall satisfaction among our diverse customer profiles

To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet.

We intend to provide our customers with the best online shopping experience from beginning to end, with a smart, searchable website, easy-to-follow instructions, clear and secure payment methods, and fast, quality delivery.

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Operation Management: Organizations must clearly articulate a mission statement
Reference No:- TGS02469842

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