
Organizational theory article review

Organizational Theory Article Review: "Human Resource Management and Labor Productivity: Does Industry Matter?"

Problem: Review an article from one of the journals listed below that relates to a topic of interest in organizational theory. The article should not be more than five years old. Select an article that has sufficient content that you can write a review of two pages in length.

List of journals:

Academy of Management Review
Administrative Science Quarterly
Business and Society in Review
Business Finance
Decision Sciences
Financial Management
Forbes Magazine
Harvard Business Review
Healthcare Financial Management
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Applied Economics and Policy
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Finance
Journal of Financial Statement Analysis
Journal of Management Studies
Personnel Today
Public Administration Quarterly

The article in the following manner and adhere to the APA guidelines:

A brief introduction of the article.
A statement of the problem.
A description of procedures.
Flaws in the procedural design.
Analysis of the data.
Limited and justifiable conclusions.

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Other Management: Organizational theory article review
Reference No:- TGS01869648

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