
Organizational change intervention project


Leadership Interview

This assignment is part of your Organizational Change Intervention Project. For this week, conduct an interview with the leader of the organization you have chosen who has impacted the culture of his or her organization. This assignment provides the opportunity to investigate effective leaders. The interview is a student-directed activity consisting of the use of a structured interview (a few of the questions are student-generated).

There should be a minimum of 10 and no more than 15 questions for the interview; 9 of the questions are provided for you.

Your first step will be to schedule an interview with the selected leader (the leader can be from the organization you selected for your Final Project or another leader from your organization). You may elect to provide the questions ahead of time to the interviewee. Your next step is to conduct the interview. You may ask questions via phone call, email, or in person. Finally, after you have conducted the interview, write up a report and be sure to include the following items. The interview should be presented in a question-and-answer format.

A. Introduction paragraph

Include the name of the organization, the person interviewed, and the person's position in the organization, as well as the date and time of the interview. Describe your reasons for choosing this individual/organization.

B. Interview questions

  1. Describe the mission and purpose of your organization.
  2. What do you do on a daily basis?
  3. What is your leadership style?
  4. What is your philosophy as a change leader?
  5. Have you implemented any large changes in your organization in the last year?
  6. How do you feel it went? Would you do anything differently next time?
  7. What are some of the challenges you encountered with change initiated or implemented by you?
  8. How do you locate relevant research to support your plans for organizational change?
  9. Describe how you attempt to influence employees' attitudes toward change.
  10. Have you implemented any support structures within your organization to help employees adapt to change?
  11. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the current climate of the organization?
  12. The final questions are student-generated. You may include up to 6 student-generated questions. The full interview should be a minimum of 10 and no more than 15 questions.

C. Conclusion section

Briefly describe what took place, and relate any difficulties that you encountered with planning or conducting the interview. Share what new information was gained and discuss how this information may be helpful when completing your final project. Write a minimum of 350 words in your summary.

Weekly Journal

Interview Reflection

Reflect on your experience planning and conducting your interview this week. How did it go? Did you get good responses to your questions?

In your opinion, is this company amenable to change? Consider how to get additional information needed for your Final Project and how to fill in any gaps from the answers to your questions. Write approximately 250 words.

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Business Management: Organizational change intervention project
Reference No:- TGS01829567

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