
organizational behavior fmc aberdeen vs fmc green

Organizational Behavior FMC Aberdeen vs FMC Green River

Aberdeen vs Green river

Aberdeen works in defense
Green River in Chemicals

Aberdeen has 100 FTE, and one product distributed worldwide. New start up...2000
Green River has 1150FTE and over 100 customers several product lines

Aberdeen is non union and in defensive
Green River - is union - united steel workers, and in chemicals..

Aberdeen employees are enpowered to make decisions.
Green river employees are not and feel as they are only a number.

Organizations with an exceptional "company" culture are usually run by leaders who understand and practice effective cultural leadership principles. A culture or sub-culture that works effectively in one part of an organization may not work well in another. Those who have made it to the top have done so by building a high performance workplace around the corporate culture.

Using the appropriate organizational analysis format begin your analysis by focusing on the following areas of interest.

Which addresses:

The Management of Ability
Organizational Commitment
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Ethics

While engaging the step-by-step analytical process keep in mind the differences that exist between FMC Green River and FMC Aberdeen. For example, think about the management of ability. State the what the corporate culture and work environment is like at Aberdeen, then at Green River. How does each operation make the best use of its employees' skill sets? Based on the corporate culture, identify an alterate method for them to leverage their employees abilities. Will the methodology you select for Abderdeen work at Green River? How will you implement your recommendation at each facility? Include your thoughts on these issues with your notes; you can either incorporate them into the "areas of interest" or add them as side notes.

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Business Management: organizational behavior fmc aberdeen vs fmc green
Reference No:- TGS0475237

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