
organizational behavior concepts2000-2500 word

Organizational Behavior concepts

2000-2500 word research paper on the successful and/or unsuccessful application of organizational behavior concepts in any organization. Select and research three to five organizational behavior main concepts that, uniquely practiced, make your chosen organization either successful, unsuccessful, or a combination of both. The organization you select should provide you with ample opportunities for research, since you will be required to use five to seven references as part of your research.

Introduction and thesis statement
Body with supporting evidence and in-text citations
Discuss 1st main concept
Discuss 2nd main concept
Discuss 3rd main concept
Look for data that can be placed into a table
Reference list with at least five to seven sources

Choose three organizational behavior main concepts. Research should uncover how your selected organization successfully uses, or suffers by ignoring any of three of these concepts:
Decision Making
Group Behavior
Power and Politics
Organizational Structure
Human Resource Practices
Change Management

Be sure to provide multiple examples of the main concepts as practiced at the organization. What are three to five examples of how the organization applies/does not apply the concept and state the impact.
Are there any revelations about each of the examples?
Is the organization proactive or reactive? Are they applying management theories? If so, what are they? If not, is there any logic in how the organization has applied these concepts?
Does your three concepts have any relationships? Does poor application of one concept cause the other two concepts to do poorly? Does the successful application of one concept result in a positive effect on the other two concepts.
Has CEO turnover or restructuring had an effect on these three main concepts?
Form some opinions about what has caused the positive/negative use of the three main concepts.

Research theory.
Look for theories that supports/contradicts your opinions.
Look for best practices to support/contradict your opinions.
What are the latest theories on these subjects?

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Business Management: organizational behavior concepts2000-2500 word
Reference No:- TGS0475128

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