
Organizational behavior and opportunity


Integrative Organizational Behavior Paper - Directions

This paper is designed to: 1) evaluate your theoretical knowledge learned in the course, and 2) evaluate your ability to integrate the subject matter learned in class with YOUR OWN work and/or home and/or community environment. Therefore, you are to do two things: first define your concept that you have chosen, and then integrate it into YOU OWN work environment in some way.

You are to select three topics to write your final paper about. Your research will be about those three topics. In its entirety, the final paper should be between 10 and 13 pages (not including cover and References). It is to be typed, double-spaced and in APA format. The final paper topics are to be chosen from the text and should deal with some aspect of organizational behavior. It is recommended that you chose topics that can shed light on something your own organization is currently going through and are of some interest to you.

Each topic should have its own heading before moving on to the next topic so that the final paper can be read with ease. There should be at least 2 outside references per topic included in your works cited page (the course text does not count as a reference).

Things to be aware of:

• Write this paper in 3rd person. If you don't know what that means, please take the time to learn this. Do not use 1st or 2nd person in this paper.

• You are to name your organization in the introduction as well as the three topics you are writing about. Make it easy for the reader to understand what you are writing about.

• Make sure you use parenthetical (within text) citations when you use a source that you need to cite. See the APA manual for details on how to do that.

• APA calls for strict double spacing and indenting. No need for "gaps" between paragraphs or "block style" paragraphs. Double space all parts of your paper. That means you may have to adjust your default in WORD to make sure there are not line spaces before or after paragraph breaks.

• The standard course assignment grading rubric will be used for this paper.

• Try to use the most recent sources for your paper. A great place to start is the ProQuest data base that Brenau University subscribes to (via Galileo). The use of the course text is not suitable as a source for this paper.
See more specific directions below.

Final Paper Format

(This paper should follow APA guidelines/format.)


Should consist of one or two paragraphs that tell the reader what the paper is about, topics that will be discussed, organization mentioned. The introduction "sets the stage" for the paper. It should be approximately 1 - 1½ pages in length

Body of the Paper

Topic #1 ( Organizational Behavior and Opportunity)
(Use appropriate heading to tell the reader the issued discussed in this section of the paper.)

Topic #1 should be divided into two parts. Part 1 is dedicated to defining the topic that was chosen. The definition of your topic should be about 1 to 1½ pages in length. It should contain professional references (parenthetical citations) that will appropriately define your topic. The defin)ition section is designed to evaluate your theoretical knowledge of the topic you chose. Part 2 is dedicated to integrating your topic with YOUR work environment. You should mention your organization's name and cite how your organization deals or does not deal with your topic chosen. This part is designed to help you integrate a theoretical issue in everyday practice. This part should be about 2 pages in length. In total, Topic #1 should be about 3-4 pages long.

Topic #2 ( Motivation at work)
(Use appropriate heading to tell the reader the issued discussed in this section of the paper.)

Topic #2 should be divided into two parts. Part 1 is dedicated to defining the topic that was chosen. The definition of your topic should be about 1 to 1½ pages in length. It should contain professional references (parenthetical citations) that will appropriately define your topic.

The definition section is designed to evaluate your theoretical knowledge of the topic you chose. Part 2 is dedicated to integrating your topic with YOUR work environment. You should mention your organization's name and cite how your organization deals or does not deal with your topic chosen. This part is designed to help you integrate a theoretical issue in everyday practice. This part should be about 2 pages in length. In total, Topic #2 should be about 3-4 pages long

Topic 3 Learning and performance management

Topic #3 should be divided into two parts. Part 1 is dedicated to defining the topic that was chosen. The definition of your topic should be about 1 to 1½ pages in length. It should contain professional references (parenthetical citations) that will appropriately define your topic.

The definition section is designed to evaluate your theoretical knowledge of the topic you chose. Part 2 is dedicated to integrating your topic with YOUR work environment. You should mention your organization's name and cite how your organization deals or does not deal with your topic chosen. This part is designed to help you integrate a theoretical issue in every day practice. This part should be about 2 pages in length. In total, Topic 3 should be about 3-4 pages long


The conclusion is designed to "wrap up" your paper by telling the reader what the main points of the paper were. It summarizes (or concludes) the paper into a meaningful end. It need only be 1 page long.


This section is a list of the works cited you used in your paper. It should follow APA formatting.

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Other Management: Organizational behavior and opportunity
Reference No:- TGS01842201

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