organizational assessments are vital to the

Organizational assessments are vital to the introduction of Nurse Case Management (NCM) and Clinical Nurse Leaders (CNL)  ( I am in school for the CNL)

Use the guidelines below to direct your clinical experiences. Many of your clinical hours will be devoted to gathering the information in these guidelines. The remainder of your clinical hours will be used in preparation of your Strategic Plan.


1.Select a nursing care unit (microsystem) for the focus of your clinical work.  (I currently work on a cardiac unit hospital in Philadelphia, pa)

2.Secure written permission from the top nurse executive and/or healthcare delivery system administrator to conduct your clinical project with the selected agency. Fax or mail the Agency Consent form by the date indicated on the course schedule.(I did already)

3.Identify key informants and other data sources. Arrange meetings necessary to obtain information.

4.Organizational assessment of a micro-level system

a.Describe the microsystem.

b.Mission, core values, guiding principles, and constancy of purpose.

c.Leadership effectiveness.

d.Microsystem performance monitoring system.

e.Barriers to effective performance.

f.Efforts to overcome barriers and improve care; investment in improvement.

g.Alignment of roles and training.

h.Use of information and technology.

i.Supportiveness of larger system.

j.Connection to community.

5.Interpretation of the organizational assessment

a.Consistency of performance with mission and core values.

b.Congruence of outcomes with goals and objectives.

c.Fulfillment of stakeholder needs and expectations.

d.Potential for clinical nurse leader to enhance system improvement.

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Biology: organizational assessments are vital to the
Reference No:- TGS0206209

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