
Organization social responsibility posture

Problem 1: Specify the main reasons why green computing should be part of any organization's social responsibility posture. Next, propose three (3) actions that IT organizations could take to reduce their carbon footprint. Provide a rationale for your response.

Problem 2: Smartphones, PDAs, and software such as Microsoft Office Communicator now have the function to provide presence and location information (e.g. online, in a meeting, busy, idle, etc.) of the users. Decide whether or not the broadcasting of presence and location information of the users is a valid concern in terms of security, people's movements, tracking of employees, and other privacy issues. Provide a rationale for your response.

Problem 3: Imagine you have been asked to create a one-day training course highlighting the important elements of what you will learn in the course of Information Systems for Decision Making.

Problem 4: Create a hierarchy of five (5) (no more or no less) of the most important topics that you believe need to be addressed in this one-day course that best fits the course title of "Information Systems for Decision Making: The Essentials Presented in One Day." Give a detailed rationale for each of the five (5) topics.

Using 150 characters or less, summarize the importance of this class to someone unfamiliar with the concepts.

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Other Management: Organization social responsibility posture
Reference No:- TGS01766147

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