
Organization of petroleum exporting countries

Project description:

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):

Length – equalivant of 4-7 double spaced pages of content, does not count pictures or graphs or works cited

One page introduction – Then logical discussion of the topic.

One and half Page for Subtopic 1:How do they set quotas?

One and half Page for Subtopic 2:How do they vote?

One and half Page for Subtopic 3:How much percentage of the industry do they have?

(for the subtopic above, you can expand the ideas and revise them if you would like, the key is to focused on oil, the oil industry, oil byproducts)

One page conclusion

Final section – List of Works Cited (not included in 4-7 pages)

(you can use as many references as you want, one of them MUST be a book reference)

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Other Subject: Organization of petroleum exporting countries
Reference No:- TGS01435704

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