
Organization leadership in the global environment

General Assignment Description:

1 Write a “multiple source” paper, an essay that includes scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. Be advrsecl that Wikipedia and Dictionarycom are not scholarly sources,

2. The paper will research a global leader of your choice from a Fortune 1000 International firm.

3 The research will focus on the leader’s approach to managing, the firm in the global business arena, the leader’s personal communicatiOn anc organizatiOnal communication methodology prjilysis of Leadership Approach

Complete research on the leader’s approach to organization leadership in the global environment. identify, describe and give examples. of 3 or more of the following leadership approaches the leader uses in conducting business in the global arena:

1. Leadership and Power: Legitimate Power, Reward Power, Coercive Power, Referent Power, Expert Power

2. Situational Leadership Approach:

A. Boss Centered vs. Employee Centered Leadership (Tannenbaum & Schmidt)

B. Task Oriented (lob Centered) Leadership vs. Employee Centered Leadership (Fiedlerl

C. Favorableness of the Situation (fiedlerl: Leader-Member Relations, Task Structure, Position Power

3. Path-Goal Leadership (House & Evans)

Directive Leader BehaVior, ‘supportive Leader Behavior, Achievement-oriented Leader Behavior, or Participative Leader BehaVior.

4. Charismatic Leadership (House)

5. Transformational Leadership

6. Cross-Cultural Leadership and Diversity

ll. Efiective Leader Communication: Personal and Organizational Methodology

Research the leader‘s approach to personal and organizational communication. identify, describe and give examples of 3 or more of the leader’s personal and organizational communication methods in the global context. Consider the followmg:

Cultural Factors: Cultural factors affect international organizations leaders must be prepared to deal with these and other factors as they inte’act with people from difterent cultural backgrounds Leaders must understand how Cultural factors afiect individuals, how motivational processes vary across cultures, how the role of leadership changes in different cultures, how communication varies across
cultures and how interpersonal and group processes depend on cultural backgrOund.

Communication relates directly to leadership. Environmental scanning, integrating planning-time horizons and decision-making all necessmte communication. Delegation, coordination and organization change and development also entail communication

Developing reward systems and interacting with subordinates as a part of the leading function would be impossible Without some form of communication. Communication is essential to establishing standards, monitoring performance and taking corrective action as a part of control. Communication is a pervasive part of virtually

ALL leadership activities:

Creatg An Agenda: How does the leader create an agenda? Research how the leader establishes direction. How does the leader develop a vision of the future and strategies for producing the results needed to achieve the vision?

Deveipg A Human Network To Achieve the Agenda: How does the leader develop the human network?

Research how the leader aligns people. How does the leader communicate the direction of the firm by words and deeds to everyone whose cooperation may be needed to influence the creation of teams and coalitions that understand the visions and strategies and how they accept their validity?

Plan Execution: How does the leader execute his/her plan?

Research how the leader motivates and inspires and energizes employees to overcome political, bureaJCratic and resource barriers?

How does the leader satisfy basic but often unfulfilled human needs?

Outhmes: How does the leader achieve the Outcomes?

Research how the leader produces change, for example, how does the leader create new products or services that customers want or create new approaches to employee relations that result in a competitive firm?

Farms of Communication: Research the forms of communication utilized by the leader in his/her organization

Interpersonal Communication: Research the oral and written interpersonal communication methods utilized by the leader.

Communication Networks and Womfliiz Resea’ch the leader’s preference for communication in networks and/or work teams.

Organizational Communjga_ti_9_n_: Research whether the leader prefers vertical or horizontal communication

Electronic Communication; Research how the leader uses electronic communication i.e. E-mail, Internet, corporate intranets, social networking, teleconferencing, telecommuting, virtual global networks, iphones etc. personally and in the organization.

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Other Management: Organization leadership in the global environment
Reference No:- TGS01434594

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