
Organization diversity programs

Please see the below with the instructions.

This is an anonymous interview you can tell me your first name an your ethnic background because is very important for this paper. The paper must be almost three pages or a little bite less but not less of two.

Identify and interview a person of managerial rank whose ethnic background differs from yours (my is white west European). This person should not be directly involved in the organization's diversity programs.

Diversity Interview:

Identify and interview a person of managerial rank whose ethnic background differs from yours. This person should not be directly involved in the organization's diversity programs. Arrange a 1-hour interview with this person to learn about the challenges he or she perceives that are directly related to their ethnicity. This could be a sensitive issue for some people so you may want to guarantee anonymity to the person you are interviewing and their company. What you want to learn from this person is how the individual believes their career has been affected because of their ethnicity. Explore the following.

Has the person been passed up for career advancement because of their ethnic background?

Have they been passed up for other opportunities (such as overseas assignment) due to their ethnicity?

Has the person every felt that they have been given special consideration based on their ethnic background?

What kinds of organizational bathers does the person feel as a result of their ethnic background?

What strategies has the person used to overcome any perceived barriers?

Are their other issues he or she believes are relevant to his or her ethnicity in the workplace? (language bathers, cultural differences, cultural insensitivity, etc.)

Please write up the answers to these questions and your reactions/interpretations to the interview experience.

NOTE: If the person you are interviewing is not willing to discuss the issues in any depth but merely gives one sentence answers, please schedule an interview with an alternate individual.

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Other Management: Organization diversity programs
Reference No:- TGS01766126

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