
Organization communication- prepare and organize thoughts

Organization Communication

You will locate one peer-reviewed journal article related to a topic covered in Module 1 and create a professionally designed PowerPoint presentation. In the presentation, you must identify and explain the purpose of the study (article), interpret definitions and variations in definitions, if any. The presentation should include a minimum of five slides, with audio embedded on each slide (for a total of five-to-seven minutes). You will also submit a Word document of your audio transcript.

Steps: The following sequence of steps will help you complete this assignment successfully.

1. Read the module content and assigned textbook material thoroughly.

2. Based on the module content and textbook material, decide on a business-related topic to research. It is helpful if the topic is narrowed and focused. For example, the topic of global economy is too broad and yields over 5,700 peer-reviewed articles in EBSCO Host. Instead, you may consider how Argenti discusses global economy in Chapter 1. Based on Chapter 1, how would you narrow the topic? You may decide you are interested in the role of technology and the global economy. This search, in contrast, yields a much more manageable list of peer-reviewed journal articles.

1. Evaluate your search results. Be certain a source is indeed an academic journal, not a book review, abstract, or "popular" (magazine) article. You do need access to the entire journal article. Open the complete database entry for your article. Look for "document type" and "author affiliation." You most often want a document type of "article"; however, some essays may be appropriate. If you have doubt, ask your professor. Most authors of peer-reviewed articles will be affiliated with a university, college, or research institute. See Evaluating sources below for further information regarding popular versus scholarly articles.

2. Read the article. Most will find it useful to read the abstract first and conclusion second. You will then want to read the review of literature and the remaining parts of the article. Keep in mind that scholarly articles are dense, and most people need to read them more them once. Take your time to process what you are reading and make notes. Use the Swales and Feak textbook to assist you with identifying the purpose of the article and the definition of key terms.

3. When you have completed reading the article, take time to reflect on it. Remember the hallmark of graduate studies is original thought. Throughout your studies you will be asked what you think about something. Try to connect the article with what you already know from undergraduate studies, other classes, work experience, and life experience. If you need to locate other sources to back up your point, do that now before moving on.

4. Prepare and organize thoughts for your presentation. Remember that your objective is clear for this presentation. You are required to summarize the article, identify and explain its purpose, and define key terms (clarifying any discrepancies in definitions), all packed in a professional PowerPoint presentation. Be certain to read the grading rubric below for details.

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