
Organisms that help maintain the function and diversity of

- Organisms that help maintain the function and diversity of an ecosystem are called __________________ species.

- A community's list of species is its _______________. Acommunity's number of species and individuals within each species isits ______________.

- Plants that colonize an area such as a harvested, plowed grainfield are termed _____________ species.

- Various types of bacteria and fungi are normal inhabitants of ourepidermis living on dead cells and secretions without causingdisease or infection while helping to repel colonization of other bacteria and fungi.. Thisrelationship would Be termed __________________.

- Remora fish attach themselves to sharks by a sucker-like disk ontheir head, and feed by grabbing pieces of food left caused bythe tearing manner in which sharks feed. The shark is unaware of the presence of theremora. This type of relationship would be termed _____________________.

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Biology: Organisms that help maintain the function and diversity of
Reference No:- TGS0799299

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