
Organisational problem in a creative and innovative way

Synthesise theory in order to analyse and solve an organisational problem in a creative and innovative way. This is a challenging assignment because students will need to be cognisant of the turf wars inherent in some theories. That is, some theories are diametrically opposed and cannot be easily integrated or reconciled. As such, the team will need to demonstrate sound knowledge in creative thinking in how they use the theories to explain and account for the organisational problem. Most importantly the students must demonstrate an ability to provide critically informed, innovative and creative solutions to organizational problems.

Type of Organization to be analysed: Travel agency that is helping international students study, work and travel around Australia

– analyse and identify the assumptions, ideas, and interpretations underlying the approach to understanding organisational problem. Critically evaluate those assumptions.

– Research how adequately you believe these theories have explained the problem you have chosen, or similar relevant problems (what is the argument, how have they framed the problems, what tend to be the assumptions etc)

– Integrate your analysis with your chosen theory/theories

Make sound, well justified, and well researched suggestions for addressing the problems (these must be grounded in your assessment of the theory/theories).

Contingency Theory
Economics Theory
Critical Management Studies Theory
Institutional Theory
Practice Theory


– Bad Management Theories are destroying good management practices, Sumantra Ghoshal 2005
– Contingency Theory of Organisational Design, Klass & Donaldson 2009
– Cottrell 2011 critical
– Browne 2012 Critical
– Katkalo Teece 2010 Capabilities
– Dimagio, Powell, the iron cage revisited: Institutinal Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields
– Dacin Cambridge
– Fournier & Grey Critical management studies 2000
– Feldman & Orlikowski Practice 2010

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