Managing operating exposure and FX risk at Nissan.
Global businesses are often exposed to financial risks such as currency volatility. These foreign exchange (FX) risks affect all aspects of a global firm. Auto makers' operations and manufacturing can be affected by currency fluctuations. In the assigned articles a you will find out how Nissan and other firms managed this FX risk.
Helpful Reading:
Book Review (2005) "The gaijin who saved Nissan", Business Week. Retrieved from:
Napolo, D. (2005) "Managing FX risk; an eight step plan to establish corporate foreign exchange policy", Treasury & Risk Management magazine, March 2005.
Kim, Y. (2001)"Managing operating exposure, Multinational Business Review, 9(1), 21-26. Retrieved November 18, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 69045429).
Write a paper, answering these questions:
1) What did Carlos Ghosn and Nissan do in order to manage global financial risk and why?
2) Did Nissan follow Napolo's (2005) 8 steps? Discuss which steps they did and those they did not follow.
3) Draw conclusions and list supporting references and cite sources.