Oral Presentations on Malaria
Present a 12 min oral presentation on an microbiological topic e.g Malaria and address the following:
1. Characteristics of microbe,
2. Mechanism of transmission,
3. System of body affected,
4. Clinical manifestations,
5. Etiology,
6. Epidemiology,
7. Diagnostic tests,
8. Immunization recommendations,
9. Control measures,
10. Treatment,
11. And education.
Aside from using your textbook to create your presentation(s), you may use other reputable sources to research your topic such as:
- www.nu.edu(library resources)
- www.cdc.gov
- www.who.int
- www.niaid.nih.gov
- www.mayoclinic.com
You may use any audiovisual aid to enhance your presentation.