Problem: Put together the following financial Requirement Gathering questions you need to ask your customer if you are have problem in the following Oracle applications.
Accounting & Control
1) GL Run GEPGS Hyperion Inbound Integration
2) GL Run GEPGS Rates Integration
3) Validate Create Journal Autoreverse completed successfully
4) Open Next GL Period
5) Run GEPGS GL Concur Segment Value Integration
6) Run GEPS GL to Taxpro Outbound Request Set
7) Run GL Revaluation program
8) Run Consolidation data transfer (Consolidation-Transfer-Data)
9) Run GEPS DR4 outbound Interface - Plan B ERP solution
10) Run GEPS GL to FLAVORS - Plan B ERP solution
11) Run GEPS GL Transaction Register Real Time Report
12) Run GEPS GL Trial Balance Real Time Report
13) Run GEPGS GL segment values and PA details to IBS