
Optimistic bias is the tendency to overestimate the chances

Application: Optimistic Bias

Optimistic bias is the tendency to overestimate the chances that something good will happen to you and underestimate the chances that something bad will happen to you. Some researchers propose that positive illusions, another term for optimistic bias, help protect people against negative information and shield them from depression, which may contribute to the glass-half-full disposition. Culture appears to influence the presence and/or intensity of optimistic bias, particularly when comparing Eastern collectivist and Western individualistic cultures. While some aspects of optimistic bias are helpful to judgment, others are not.

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review the article "Cultural Variation in Unrealistic Optimism". Pay particular attention to the following sections: "Independent Versus Interdependent Construals of Self," "Unrealistic Optimism," and "Concluding Remarks."
  • Review the article "Cultural Variations in Optimistic and Pessimistic Bias". Focus on individualism and collectivism and the general discussion.
  • Think about the influence of culture on optimistic bias.
  • Keeping in mind the information on individualism and collectivism, reflect on how your culture influences your optimistic bias.
  • Consider a situation in which optimistic bias improved the accuracy of your judgment and thus was helpful.
  • Think of a situation in which optimistic bias was detrimental to your judgment, making it inaccurate.

The assignment (1-2 pages):

  • Explain the influence of culture on optimistic bias. Be specific.
  • Explain how your culture influences your optimistic bias. Be sure to include what your culture is.
  • Describe a situation in which optimistic bias improved the accuracy of a judgment you made and explain why it was helpful. Then describe a situation in which optimistic bias lessened the accuracy of a judgment you made and explain why it was detrimental.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

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Science: Optimistic bias is the tendency to overestimate the chances
Reference No:- TGS01117649

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