
Optical microscopy and sem subsequent ne polish is done

Samples preparation for electronic optical Microscopy

Sample preparation is an essential part of microscopy and there are many techniques (and variations) that can be used. The approaches very commonly used to prepare specimens for analysis are as follows: The sample needs to be cut to size using one of the slicing methods (). The cut sample is either set in a mold or mounted externally on a polishing mount. This step is followed by a series of coarser to ?ner grinding on SiC grit paper. For optical microscopy and SEM, subsequent ?ne polish is done using diamond-abrasive paste or alumina suspension. Polished samples are then cleaned thoroughly and etched chemically or thermally to reveal surface contrast.

1. Show the Sinusoidal Motion

2. Show effect of Mg addition

3. Show effect of Ti addition

4. Show effect of iron addition

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Other Subject: Optical microscopy and sem subsequent ne polish is done
Reference No:- TGS0811033

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