
Opposing affirmative action at work places


Opposing Affirmative Action at work places

• Affirmative action should not be considered at work places because it requires employers to meet certain requirements for hiring and promoting of minorities and women (Brown, 2008). This guideline restrains the employers to make decisions on hiring basing on the numbers needed but not the overall qualifications of the individual applying for the job.

• Affirmative action has been noted that it creates increased competition for the highly qualified applicants since employers direct their vacancies towards the women and minorities which increases application for those minority groups.

• Focus at work places are centered on racial and gender related issues instead of the organization majorly focusing on how an employee will well perform his or her duties at work (Rabe, 2001). It draws too much attention in the issues that happened in the past concerning discrimination and racism forgetting that although they still exist, one cannot retract injustices done in the past or eliminate them in future completely.

• It is not a good policy at work place because social equality is something that begins in childhood therefore it should not be legislated at later stages of college and work places (Dupper and Sankaran, 2014). This makes affirmative action not an equalizer factor, it is something that should have been prevented in first place by cleaning up children in residential areas and cities.

Work Cited

Sonya L. Brown, (2008). Diversity in the Workplace: A study of Gender, Race, Age and Salary Level. ProQuest. Pp. 46.

Johan Rabe, (2001). Equality, Affirmative Action and Justice. Books on Demand. Pp. 345.

Ockert Dupper, Kamala Sankaran, (2014). Affirmative Action: A view from the Global South. African Sun Media. Pp. 200.

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