
Opportunity to propagate religion at work


MaryJo is a very religious woman. She takes every opportunity to propagate her religion at work, in social gatherings, and even at the mall. In fact, one of the central tenets of her religion is that salvation is dependent upon her converting as many people as she can. Her coworkers, however, have begun to be annoyed at her incessant preaching, and her employer has begun to notice that the only way work gets done is for coworkers to engage in elaborate schemes to avoid being in her presence. Her employer admonishes her to stop proselytizing at work. She offered, instead, to simply limit her proselytizing to certain hours of the day. Her employer declined and told her that she was being paid to work, not to preach. When MaryJo refuses to accede to her employer's wishes, she is fired. She files a claim with the EEOC, alleging that her employer failed to accommodate her religious beliefs. Evaluate the merit of her claim.

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Other Management: Opportunity to propagate religion at work
Reference No:- TGS01773071

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