
Opportunity for expansion and driving forces

How should I response to number 1 and 2 using the Common Driving Forces list below?

1st: Opportunity for Expansion.

Should a business always expand if given the chance to do so?
Think of a company that recently added one or more new businesses to the organization.
Does the addition seem to be in line with the original mission, vision, and core competencies?

2nd: Driving Forces.

What are the two most relevant driving forces from "Common Driving Forces list below for a firm with which you are familiar? Use the same company from above.
Have these driving forces made the industry in which the firm operates more, or less, attractive?

Common Driving Forces:

Changes in the long-term industry growth rate.
Increasing globalization.
Emerging new Internet capabilities and applications.
Changes in who buys the product and how they use it.
Product innovation.
Technological change and manufacturing process innovation.
Marketing innovation.
Entry or exit of major firms.
Diffusion of technical know-how across more companieS and more countries.
Changes in cost and efficiency.
Growing buyer preferences (or differentiated products instead of a standardized commodity product or for a more standardized product instead of strongly differentiated products.
Regulatory influences and government policy changes.
Changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles.

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Other Management: Opportunity for expansion and driving forces
Reference No:- TGS01855322

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