
Opportunities analysis of pfizer

Opportunities Analysis of Pfizer, Inc.

This is the first component of Project. This paper will serve as an initial planning document for management approval to pursue the research, and ultimately implement the project.

A. Using Pfizer, Inc. company, please complete the following:

1. Provide a brief environmental scan of the organization (i.e. trends, forces, events likely to have an impact on the selected organization). Be sure to include an assessment of the organization’s chief competitors’ technological innovations.

2. Describe its customers and their needs and desires. Research any shortcomings, which are often opportunities in disguise, using discussions in the Annual Report, articles in the press, or complaints websites such as complaints.com.

3. Assess the organization’s corporate culture in terms of readiness for technology change.

B. Describe two opportunities in terms of the company’s marketplace. Be sure to consider consumer (end user) needs, desires, and trends. Describe how the realization of these two opportunities aligns to the organization’s strategy and goals and can help the organization maximize profit and revenue. Provide a brief introductory explanation of the goal of the main project and how it aligns to the organization’s strategy and goals.

C. Provide a high level outline of the methodology you used to select this project as opposed to other projects you might have considered.

D. Create a Technology Road Map with major steps along the way. Determine how the project will move from current state products or services to the future state.  Discuss and justify the general approach you will take (i.e. partner, acquire, develop in-house, off-the-shelf, customize, out-source, combination) to research the possibilities to develop and then implement the solution. Discuss technology operations management considerations for your solution.

E. Discuss the feasibility of breaking the project into separate projects and how you would go about prioritizing the separate projects and/or tasks within the project. Define each project as either: breakthrough, platform, derivative, R&D or partnered projects and explain why you defined it in this way.

F. Discuss the methodologies you will use during the analysis stage (i.e. fit a computer solution to the stated problem). In terms of creativity enhancing techniques used by firms seeking innovative solutions to business problems. Select at least one of the following and discuss why your chosen technique(s) might be applicable to your R&D effort:

1. Brainstorming - This technique is perhaps the most familiar of all the techniques discussed here. It is used to generate a large quantity of ideas in a short period of time.

2. Extrapolation - A technique or approach, already used by the organization, is stretched to apply to a new problem.

3. Progressive abstraction technique - By moving through progressively higher levels of abstraction, it is possible to generate alternative problem definitions from an original problem. When a problem is enlarged in a systematic way, it is possible to generate many new definitions that can then be evaluated for their usefulness and feasibility. Once an appropriate level of abstraction is reached, possible solutions are more easily identified.

4. 5Ws and H technique - This is the traditional, and journalistic, approach of who-what-where-when-why-how. Use of this technique serves to expand a person's view of the problem and to assist in making sure that all related aspects of the problem have been addressed and considered.

5. Force field analysis technique - The name of this technique comes from its ability to identify forces contributing to or hindering a solution to a problem. This technique stimulates creative thinking in three ways: it 1) defines direction 2) identifies strengths that can be maximized and 3) identifies weaknesses that can be minimized.

6. Problem reversal - Reversing a problem statement often provides a different framework for analysis. For example, in attempting to come up with ways to improve productivity, try considering the opposite, how to decrease productivity.

G. Include a one-page summary at the beginning of this paper which summarizes your findings.

Please do not copy, cut & paste text, copy from previous postings on Pfizer, or provide instructions on “how-to” from various internet sites as a response.   Please provide in-depth analysis, supporting facts and include relevant sources.  I’m not looking for definitions just specific information as it pertains to Pfizer, Inc. please! I am also looking for NEW perspective from an expert in this area or industry!  Bottom line, I need a solution for Pfizer’s existing computer structure, not a rehash of it’s existing system as the answer.

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Other Management: Opportunities analysis of pfizer
Reference No:- TGS01791873

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