
Operations performed when 8085 executes dad h instruction

1) Write down the name of different flag bits available in an 8085 microprocessor.

2) What do you understand by pipelining in an 8086 processor?

3) Write down the importance of SIM and RIM instruction available in 8085.

4) Explain the operations that are performed when 8085 executes DAD H instruction.

5) What do you mean by stack and Subroutine?

6) Write down the difference between Push and Pop.

7) Write down the difference between RRA and RRCA instructions in 8051 microcontroller.

8) Which control signals of 8051 are used to access external data memory and external program memory.

9) What do you understand by DMA?

10) Write down the difference between RAM and ROM.

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Computer Engineering: Operations performed when 8085 executes dad h instruction
Reference No:- TGS013228

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