
Operations of economic concentration

Which of the following actions constitute operations of economic concentration?

1) the merger of two or more unrelated actors covered by this law;

2) formation of a common corporation by two or more unrelated actors covered by this law, when the operation has as its result economic concentration and the resulting company acts as an independent economic actor, not simply for coordination of competitive behavior of the founding companies among themselves, nor between them and the common corporation;

3) direct or indirect acquisition by an actor covered by this law to control other corporations through purchase of stock, participating in capital, or any other contract or legal device to gain control of the enterprise;

4) acquisition of tangible or intangible productive assets, and acquisition of trade funds;

5) any other act, contract, or legal device, including repossession, voluntary or forced liquidation of bequests or legacies, which result in concentration of companies, divisions, or parts of companies, trade funds, or productive assets in general. (Article 4 of Regulation No. 2)

6) all of the above.

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Business Law and Ethics: Operations of economic concentration
Reference No:- TGS01442579

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