
operation this application uses an

• This application uses an Alligator class that implements a Countable interface to
display Alligator objects as shown above.
• This application uses a Sheep class that implements a Countable interface and the
Cloneable interface to display and clone Sheep objects as shown above.
• Create an interface named Countable that can be used to count an object. This
interface should include these methods:
void incrementCount()
void resetCount()
int getCount()
String getCountString()
• Create a class named Alligator that implements the Countable interface. This class
should include an instance variable that stores the count and a method that returns the
formatted count.
• Create a class named CountUtil. This class should include a static method that lets
you count any Countable objects a specified number of times. For example:
public static void count(Countable c, int maxCount)
• Create a class named CountTestApp that uses the CountUtil class to count an
Alligator object 3 times as shown above.
• Create a class named Sheep that implements the Countable and Cloneable interfaces.
This class should include an instance variable that stores the count and the name of
the sheep, and it should provide methods that can set and get the name of the sheep.
• Modify the CountTestApp class so it (a) counts the first sheep 2 times, (b) clones the
first sheep, changes the name, and counts it 3 times, and (c) counts the first sheep
again 1 time.

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Application Programming: operation this application uses an
Reference No:- TGS0155929

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