
Operation of stagger tuned amplifier

1) Describe the effect of negative feedback on stability, gain, bandwidth and distortion of an amplifier.

2)  Sketch the circuit of RC phase shift oscillator and describe its operation. Deduce the condition for oscillation and frequency of oscillation.

3) Describe the operation of double tuned amplifier and deduce an expression for its gain.

4) Explain the operation of stagger tuned amplifier, with neat and well explained diagram.

5) Explain the operation of class B push pull amplifier and discuss how the cross over distortion is reduced.

6) Describe the operation of class S amplifier and deduce an expression for its output voltage.

7) Describe the operation of emitter coupled Astable multivibrator and deduce an expression for the time period.

8) Deduce and sketch the response of high pass RC circuit to the following waveforms.

a) Step

b) Pulse

c) Square

d) Ramp

9) Describe the basic principle of bootstrap sawtooth generator circuit.

10) Describe the working principle of the RC controlled Astable blocking oscillator.

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Electrical Engineering: Operation of stagger tuned amplifier
Reference No:- TGS012886

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